WhatsApp has unveiled a series of significant upgrades to its video calling capabilities, introducing new features aimed at rivaling established platforms such as Zoom, Teams, and Google Meet. Among the standout enhancements is the introduction of real-time screen sharing, allowing participants to view and interact with another user's screen while maintaining audio communication.
As reported by Walla News, in a bid to accommodate larger gatherings and professional settings, WhatsApp has expanded its maximum participant limit for video calls to 32 across all platforms. This marks a substantial increase from the previous cap of 8 participants, which was initially enforced during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Additionally, the introduction of "Speaker Spotlight" enhances the visibility of the active speaker by prominently displaying their video feed at the top of the participant list, simplifying group interactions.
The latest updates also highlight WhatsApp's adoption of the MLow codec, a technology aimed at enhancing call quality by minimizing background noise and echoes. Furthermore, users will benefit from higher-resolution video streaming provided their network supports it, underscoring WhatsApp's commitment to delivering a seamless communication experience.
WhatsApp's strategic enhancements underscore its ambition to position itself not only as a leading platform for personal video calls but also as a viable option for professional meetings and large-scale group discussions. These developments represent a significant step towards cementing WhatsApp's status as a comprehensive video calling solution in today's digital landscape.