Israel - Gaza War

The Names of 21 Victims in the Tragic Event have been Released for Publication

The names of the four latest casualties in the collapse of the building in Gaza have been released: Itamar Tal, Adam Bismut, Shay Biton Hayun, and Zegeye Daniel Kasau. With this, the names of all 21 victims in the incident have been published.

Itamar Tal, Adam Bismut, Shay Biton Hayun, and Zegeye Daniel Kasau z"l (Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

The names of the four latest casualties in the collapse of the building in Gaza have been released: Itamar Tal, Adam Bismut, Shay Biton Hayun, and Zegeye Daniel Kasau. With this, the names of all 21 victims in the incident have been published.

the fallen soldiers (Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

Names of the fallen soldiers:

Sergeant Major (Res.) Itamar Tal z"l, 32, from Kibbutz Mesilot, a fighter in Battalion 6261, Brigade 261, fell in combat in southern Gaza.

Sergeant Major (Res.) Adam Bismut z"l, 35, from Kfar Naim, the commander of a platoon in Battalion 6261, Brigade 261, fell in combat in southern Gaza.

Sergeant Major (Res.) Shay Biton Hayun z"l, 40, from Zichron Yaakov, a fighter in Battalion 8208, Brigade 261, fell in combat in southern Gaza.

Sergeant Major (Res.) Zegeye Daniel Kasau z"l, 38, from Yokneam Illit, a fighter in Battalion 8208, Brigade 261, fell in combat in southern Gaza.

Sergeant First Class (Res.) Ahmad Abu Latif z"l, 26, from Rahat, a fighter in Battalion 8208, Division 261, fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip.

Captain (Res.) Nir Binyamin z"l, 29, from Givatayim, an officer in Battalion 8208, Division 261, fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip.

Sergeant First Class Israel Socol z"l, 24, from Karnei Shomron, a fighter in Battalion 8208, Division 261, fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip.

Sergeant First Class (Res.) Sagi Idan z"l, 24, from Rosh HaAyin, a fighter in Battalion 8208, Division 261, fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip.

Sergeant Major (Res.) Mark Kononovich z"l, 35, from Herzliya, a fighter in Battalion 8208, Division 261, fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip.

Sergeant Major (Res.) Matan Lazar z"l, 32, from Haifa, a fighter in Battalion 6261, Division 261, fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip.

Sergeant First Class (Res.) Hadar Kapeluk z"l, 23, from Mevo Beitar, the commander of a platoon in Battalion 8208, Division 261, fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip.

Sergeant Major (Res.) Sergey Gontmaherr z"l, 37, from Ramat Gan, a fighter in Battalion 8208, Division 261, fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip.

Sergeant First Class (Res.) Elkana Yehuda z"l, 25, from Kiryat Arba, a fighter in Battalion 8208, Division 261, fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip.

Sergeant First Class (Res.) Yoval Lopez z"l, 27, from Alon Shvut, a fighter in Battalion 9206, Division 205, fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip.

Master Sergeant (Res.) Yoav Levi z"l, 29, from Yehud-Monosson, a fighter in Battalion 8208, Division 261, fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip.

Sergeant First Class (Res.) Nicholas Berger z"l, 22, from Jerusalem, a fighter in Battalion 8208, Division 261, fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip.

Sergeant First Class (Res.) Cydrick Garin z"l, 23, from Tel Aviv-Jaffa, a fighter in Battalion 8208, Division 261, fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip.

Sergeant Major (Res.) Rafael Elias Mosheyoff z"l, 33, from Pardes Hanna-Karkur, a fighter in Battalion 6261, Division 261, fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip.

Sergeant Major (Res.) Barak haim Ben Valid z"l, 33, from Rishon LeZion, the commander of a platoon in Battalion 6261, Division 261, fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip.

the fallen soldiers (Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

Master Sergeant Elkana Vizel z"l & Captain (Res.) Ariel Mordechay Wollfstal z"l

The Efrat Local Council announces with great sorrow the fall of Rabbi Elkanah Vizel and Ariel Mordechai Wolfsthal in the battle in the Gaza Strip.

In a statement on behalf of the council, it is written: "We announce with great sorrow the fall of Rabbi Elkana Vizel in the battle. Elkana is the son of Beni and Gila Vizel from the Dagan neighborhood. Elkanah was married to Galit and lived in the Bnei Dekalim community. Elkana was the brother of Nirith Feldhayim from Hafetz Haim, Nati Vizel from Karmei Tzur, Reut Cohen from Efrat, Hadass Topper from Kiryat Malachi, Itamar Vizel from Sderot/Shlafim, and Uri Vizel from Efrat/Kiryat Arba. The funeral will take place at 14:00 on Mount Herzl."

Master Sergeant Elkana Vizel z"l & Captain (Res.) Ariel Mordechay Wollfstal z"l (Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

In another message, it is written: "We announce with great sorrow the fall of Ariel Mordechay Wollfstal. Ariel is the son of Wolly from the Dagan neighborhood and Heli from the Elazar community. Ariel was married to Sapir from Elazar. The funeral will take place today at 14:30 at the military cemetery in Kfar Etzion. Condolences to the extended family. May you find comfort from above."

Additionally, in the battle where the soldiers fell, a reservist in Battalion 9206, Division 205, was seriously injured. The soldier is being evacuated for medical treatment at the hospital, and the family has been notified.

Operation Swords of Iron Israel-Gaza war Israel at war Gaza IDF fallen soldiers Israel's fallen soldiers Gaza Strip


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