"When They Tell You Who They Are, Believe Them"

Tweet Exposes Jihadist Aspirations: "When they tell you who they are, believe them"

A recent tweet by Marina Medvin features a video shedding light on alarming Jihadist aspirations among Gazan Islamic mothers and their children.

Screenshot from video (Photo: Screenshot from the video, @MarinaMedvin, Twitter ('X'))

A tweet by Marina Medvin (@MarinaMedvin) features a concerning video revealing Jihadist aspirations among Hamastan mothers and their children. The tweet emphasizes the need for collective efforts to address extremist ideologies.

This revelation highlights the ongoing challenges in the fight against radicalization and the importance of multifaceted approaches that encompass security measures and educational initiatives promoting understanding, tolerance, and the rejection of extremist ideologies.


Israel at war Israel-Gaza war Simchat Torah Massacre October 7th Hamas Hamastan Islamic Jihad Palestinian Islamic Jihad Jihadist Jihad Gaza Palestinians Gazans


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