The Shooting Attack In Jerusalem

The Wounded Individual Recounts: "I heard gunshots and saw a person with a firearm"

17-year-old Akiva Schwartz, who was injured this morning in an attack in Jerusalem and was taken to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, describes: "I felt something in my leg. I half limped and half ran towards the city and crashed at the gas station area."

Akiva Schwartz (Photo: Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital Spokesperson)

The shooting attack in Jerusalem. 17-year-old Akiva Schwartz, who was wounded by shrapnel in his legs this morning in an attack in Jerusalem, was taken to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital where he is hospitalized in a minor condition.

Akiva is a student of the Torah Paths Yeshiva, who lives in Kiryat Moshe and was on his way to school this morning.

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"I missed the bus and waited there for 20 minutes. Suddenly I heard gunshots and saw a man holding a gun and shooting everyone there. I started running and then I felt something in my leg. I half limped half ran towards the city and crashed in the gas station area. I called my mother, and I saw more ambulances coming, I went and knocked on the window of one of them. I told him I think I have shrapnel in my leg. The medic got out of the ambulance and they took me to the hospital."

Israel at war shooting attack Jerusalem Akiva Schwartz Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital


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