
American (Jewish) Reinforcements: 150 Israeli-American Soldiers Land in Israel

Some 150 reservists landed in Israel to join the fight in Gaza, along with a large shipment of military equipment provided by the Israel Friends organization.

(Photo: Free Credit)

Some 150 reservists landed today (Sunday) at Ben Gurion Airport after flying from Los Angeles to aid in the fighting in the south, thanks to the Israel Friends organization run by Jordan Fried, Amichai Gabbai, and Roman Wintfeld. The plane arriving in the country also brought batteries, protective vests, and medical equipment.

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(Photo: Free credit)

Amichai Gabbai, one of the heads of the organization, said: “We made a very big and long effort to reach this thing, we raised $6.5 million, we brought a plane which we leased, because there are no flights to Israel, no airline is willing to fly for the reason that there is no insurance from the airlines to bring planes. The number of people willing to enlist from the IDF is just insane. It’s painted in blue and white and it’s amazing.”

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Amichai Gabbai, Jordan Fried, and Roman Wintfeld. (Photo: Srugim)

Another Plane With Equipment is Coming Next Week

Gabbai spoke of the equipment that came: “The organization Israel Friends helped Ukraine in the war and now we decided we’re only helping the State of Israel, we’re all Jews. We brought bullet proof vests, helmets, humanitarian equipment, 17 tons of equipment because we had soldiers on the flight who needed to reach their unit. This is something that greatly excites us to do. Jordan didn’t sleep day and night for the Jewish People. We have another 747 Boeing plane which is supposed to leave next week with a lot more equipment.

Gabbai, Fried, and Wintfeld (Photo: Srugim)

According to him: “We came for 48 hours and are going back to the United States. We have three logistical warehouses, in Los Angeles, Florida, and the New York area. Very many reservists have come to the State of Israel, there are enormous numbers of soldiers, police officers, and rear (soldiers) who need equipment and the international recruitment to help the State of Israel is simply enormous and there is now enormous volume of goods on the way to Israel. Am Yisrael Chai.”

American Jewry IDF Hamas Operation Swords of Iron


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