Terrorist Headquarters were Attacked

The fighting continues: terrorist headquarters in the Gaza Strip were attacked

The IDF targeted three military command posts of terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. Fighter jets attacked the command posts used for coordinating terrorism and the rocket-launching organization

(Photo: IDF spokesman)

The IDF announced (Sunday) that fighter jets targeted three operational command posts of terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip.

(Video: IDF spokesman)

It has also been reported that an operational command post of the Hamas terrorist organization, used for coordinating terrorism, was targeted. Additionally, an operational command post of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist organization, which was involved in recent operations, and another operational command post of the PIJ that was responsible for the organization's rocket force, were attacked.

The IDF continues its operations in the Gaza Strip at this time.

Earlier, it was reported that two terrorists were killed on Zikim Beach after attempting to infiltrate into Israeli territory. Additionally, dozens of terrorists have been thwarted so far, and dozens of targets have been struck by the naval forces. Also, during the night, an Israeli missile boat intercepted five naval vessels belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization.

Additionally, naval vessels of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist organization were also thwarted off the coast of Gaza. The IDF explains that these naval vessels that were thwarted were intended for carrying out attacks through Israel's maritime space.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Hamas PIJ Gaza IDF


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