Right-Wing Rally

Right-wing rally: tens of thousands of demonstrators in Jerusalem

Ahead of the High Court hearing on the petitions against the law to cancel the reason for reasonableness, tens of thousands of right-wing protesters came to the Supreme Court and protested: "They will not take away our voice"

At this time, the right-wing demonstration is taking place in Jerusalem, attended by tens of thousands of demonstrators in front of the Supreme Court.

The protesters came en masse in order to make their voices heard ahead of the High Court hearing on the petitions against the law to cancel the reason for reasonableness, under the title "They will not take away our voice".

During the demonstration, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich came up and spoke and addressed the President of the Supreme Court: "I want to appeal from here to the person sitting in the chamber right here behind us, the President of the Supreme Court Ester Hayut, even if you think that the reforms we are leading to reform the judicial system are wrong in your eyes and should be done Otherwise, invalidating a basic law is an excess of authority and something that will harm Israeli democracy."

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He further adds and says: "I urge you not to make a decision that will tear apart the people of Israel, that will tear apart families within Israeli society, that will tear apart the IDF. The responsibility is on you."

Minister Orit Strook also addressed the protesters and asked to apologize to them: "I want to ask for your forgiveness. You went to the Knesset as is expected from a democratic country. Every note you put on it clearly said 'correcting the justice system'." And she added: "You are not supposed to be here, you are supposed to sit at home. But there are people here who do not know how to accept the decision of the majority.

In her speech, Minister Galit Distel-Atbaryan attacked the judicial system: "We are tonight at the beginning of a regime coup. The real coup of hegemony in the judicial system. We see how they are destroying institution after institution here. They are destroying the brotherhood of the fighters, they are destroying what we built together."

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MK Avihai Boaron also spoke in front of the protesters and said: "The question is not whether we will respect the High Court's decision, but whether the High Court will accept the people's position. Will the High Court not tear the rope. We are the sovereign, we are the people, we all stand behind Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana and say to the court: "The Knesset will not decisively accept its trampling." If the court rejects the basic laws, it will be the one responsible and guilty for the anarchy that will be created. We call from here on the Supreme Court, don't take us into chaos, don't harm the unity of Israel, don't trample the majority in Israel."

MK Boaz Bismuth said: "Tonight I came to tell you everything is open and clear, we have learned very well that what determines is the identity of the judges and therefore we will not give up and will work to appoint a balanced committee. The time has come for the Supreme Court to have judges who represent all sections of the people."

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Tkuma 2023 chairman Berla Crombie also told the protesters: "In a democratic country there is no such thing as a constitutional crisis. In a democratic country when there is a conflict between the people's elected officials, the public representatives - and unelected officials - there is only one authority that must be listened to and that is the people who are the sovereign. The Knesset is not an advisory committee of the judges. The people's elected representatives that we elected to implement policies, are not a decoration committee that makes recommendations to His Highness the judges of the High Court and they are the supreme authority to decide or approve the will of the people. The people are sovereign. The people and only the people."

Esther Hayut The Supreme Court Bezalel Smotrich Supreme Court's President Right-Wing Rally


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