18 Wanted Persons Arrested

18 wanted persons were arrested in Judea and Samaria, among them a senior member of the Islamic Jihad

During a night operation throughout Judea and Samaria, IDF forces arrested 18 wanted persons, among them a senior member of the Islamic Jihad, the forces located and confiscated military equipment and ammunition

IDF forces during the operation last night (photo: IDF spokesperson)

During the night, IDF, Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency), and Border Police forces operated in various areas of Judea and Samaria and arrested 18 wanted individuals, including a senior member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

In a divisional counter-terrorism operation in the village of Nahalin in the Etzion Brigade area, forces arrested six wanted individuals suspected of involvement in terrorist activities. They also discovered military equipment and impounded four vehicles. Additionally, seven more wanted individuals were arrested in the villages of Duha, Askara, Beitot, Bardaleh, Al-Bireh, and Turmusaya.

In the refugee camp of Jilazun and the city of Ramallah, forces arrested two more wanted individuals, including a senior member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization. Additionally, the forces located and confiscated military equipment and weaponry. During the operations, suspects threw stones and hurled Molotov cocktails and explosive devices towards the soldiers, who responded with measures to disperse the protests. In the village of Tarkumia, the forces located and impounded a rifle, ammunition, and military equipment.

In addition to the Islamic Jihad senior, the forces confiscated ammunition

The soldiers arrested three wanted individuals in the Deheishe refugee camp. During the operation, suspects threw stones and hurled explosive devices and Molotov cocktails at the forces, who responded with measures to disperse the protests and fired back. A Border Police officer sustained minor injuries and was evacuated for medical treatment at a hospital. Additionally, during the forces' activity in the village of Bil'in, suspects fired flares towards the forces, who responded with measures to disperse the protests. The arrested wanted individuals and confiscated combat equipment were transferred for further handling by security forces.

The ammunition found last night (photo: IDF spokesman)

Three days ago, IDF forces arrested a senior Hamas member along with three other activists from the terrorist organization in the Jenin refugee camp. According to the IDF spokesperson's statement, the soldiers identified the wanted individuals as they exited the building. In response, the forces opened fire towards them, and hits were confirmed. Additionally, armed Palestinians shot and threw stones at the soldiers, who returned fire.

The arrested activists were involved in terrorist activities, shootings, and were engaged in handling explosives and planning additional attacks. Moreover, the apprehended wanted individuals were recently involved in extensive and expansive terrorist activities, including shootings, explosives, and furthering additional attacks. As a result of the incident in Jenin, a Palestinian, in his thirties, was brought to a Palestinian emergency room with injuries from a gunshot wound to his leg.

Judea and Samaria IDF Islamic Jihad


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