The leader of the Islamic Jihad Arrested

The leader of the Islamic Jihad in Judea and Samaria who had been on a hunger strike of 103 days was arrested

Maher al-Akhras, the leader of the Islamic Jihad in Judea and Samaria, who went on a hunger strike for 103 days in 2020, was arrested last night at his home in the village of Silat al-Dhahr

(Photo: IDF spokesman)

According to Palestinian reports, during the night (between Tuesday and Wednesday), Maher al-Akhras, the leader of the Islamic Jihad organization (PIJ) in Judea and Samaria, was arrested at his home in the village of Silat al-Dhahr in the Jenin governorate.

About three years ago, Maher al-Akhras was arrested and went on a 103-day hunger strike. During this time, he was hospitalized at Kaplan Hospital until he was released in November 2020, after reaching an agreement with Israel that it wouldn't continue his arrest. Recently, it appears that he resumed leading terrorist activities, which led to his recent arrest.

It's worth mentioning that the arrest of a former leader of PIJ - Bassam Al Saadi - led to a wave of attacks by the terrorist organization, including missile threats at the Gaza border and rocket fire towards the Gaza envelope. As a result of these threats, the roads adjacent to the Gaza Strip were closed to Israeli movement for three days. On Friday, August 5th, the commander of the organization's northern brigade in Gaza, Taysir al-Jaabari, was assassinated, triggering the 'Operation Breaking Dawn.'

Islamic Jihad Maher Al Akhras hunger strike


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