Israel-Gaza War, Public Opinion

Harvard/Harris: 80% of US voters believe Hamas must be removed from power in Gaza

In addition, 67% believe Israel should retaliate if Hezbollah continues to attack the country with rockets and other projectiles.

Polls. Illustration. (Photo: Andrii Yalanskyi/Shutterstock)

A new Harvard/Harris poll conducted at the end of June shows an overwhelming majority of US voters - 80% - siding with Israel rather than Hamas.

Furthermore, 82% agree that Hamas must not be allowed to continue to govern the Gaza Strip, aligning with one of the Israeli government's stated goals.

Regarding the border war, 67% believe Israel should retaliate if Hezbollah continues to hit the country with rockets and projectiles, though the question doesn't specify the form of retaliation.

Regarding the "day after" the war in Gaza ends, a plurality of 40% now believe the Hamas government should be replaced with "some new authority set up with Arab nations," whereas a previous poll showed a plurality in favor of Israel running the Strip.

While important for Israel, it is unlikely this issue will affect voting much in the coming November elections, as the same poll shows inflation as the most important issue for voters by far.

Operation Swords of Iron Hamas IDF Hezbollah


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