US Presidential Debate, Trump-Biden

US Presidential Debate - What was said about Israel? What are the candidates stances on the war?

The disappointing show that took place yesterday night had many people in question of who to support, here we look into the statements said regarding Israel and the war with Hamas in Gaza. 

US-Israel ties (photo: Efasein/shutterstock)

Trump was the first to bring up Israel, criticizing Biden's foreign policy and reiterating his assertion that Hamas would not have attacked Israel if he were in charge. Biden countered by affirming his administration's steadfast support for Israel, stating, "We're supplying Israel with all necessary weapons, when they need them," Ynet sources reported.

During the foreign policy segment, Trump remarked about Biden, "He refuses to act. He's behaving like a Palestinian," adding, "But they don't support him because he's a very ineffective Palestinian. He's weak."

Biden highlighted broad international support for his three-stage peace plan, including endorsement from the United Nations Security Council, the G7, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "Everyone except Hamas wants to see an end to the conflict," Biden emphasized. Trump retorted by saying that Israel wants to continue and should be "allowed to finish the war."

When asked about supporting a Palestinian state to achieve regional peace, Trump hesitated, saying, "I would need to consider it." However, during his presidency, Trump proposed a peace plan envisioning a semi-sovereign, non-contiguous Palestinian state alongside Israel.

Biden acknowledged withholding a shipment of 2,000-pound bombs from Israel, citing concerns over mass civilian casualties. However, he stressed that his administration has provided other necessary weapons and led international efforts against Iran's threats to Israel.

"We've significantly supported Israel; no one else in the world has done more," Biden asserted. Trump disagreed, claiming when he was President he left Iran in a weakened state, only for it to rebound under Biden, enabling attacks by its proxies, Hamas and Hezbollah. Trump criticized Biden for the October 7 attack on Israel taking place under his command.

In contrast, Biden highlighted his ceasefire efforts and reaffirmed U.S. support for Israel, stating confidently, "We've been crucial in Israel's defence."

Israel-Gaza war Gaza Joe Biden Donald Trump Ceasefire USA


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