Iran Attack, Saudi Arabia, Iran

Saudi Arabia and Jordan counter Iranian criticism that they helped intercept missile and drone attack on Israel

According to Kann 11 News, both countries insisted that the decision to intercept the projectiles was "a matter of sovereignty."

Iran, overshadowing the Middle East. (Photo: 3d_illustrator/Shutterstock)

Both Saudi Arabia and Iran have pushed back against Iranian attacks on both countries for intercepting missiles and drones overflying their territory en route to Israel, insisting this was a matter of "sovereignty," according to Kann 11 reporter Roi Kais.

According to Kais, Jordan has summoned its Iranian ambassador, calling on the country to cease its attacks on Jordan for intercepting projectiles over its territory.

A Saudi source, meanwhile, told Kais that the war in Gaza was "engineered" to destroy relations between Israel and Iran.

Iran Iran attack Saudi Arabia Jordan


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