
Iran: Russia and Syria conspiring with Israel

A newspaper connected to the Iranian regime published an editorial claiming that Syria and Russia are helping Israel eliminate senior Iranian commanders in an effort to push Iran out of Syria.

Netanyahu and Putin (Photo: Kobi Gideon/GPO)

An editorial in an Iranian newspaper closely connected to the regime claimed this morning (Wednesday) that Russia and Syria are assisting Israel in eliminating Revolutionary Guard officers with the aim of pushing the Islamic Republic out of Syria.

The article was published in the newspaper "Jomhouri-e Eslami", an official Iranian newspaper linked to the Ayatollahs. In the article, the newspaper's editor makes far-reaching claims regarding the role of Russia and Syria in Israeli strikes on its forces: "We have had too many casualties in Syria during the past months, someone is leaking names and locations to the Israelis in order to weaken the influence of the Revolution inside Syria," he states.

The editor continues and reviews the results of the assassinations so far: "Since December, Israel has killed 18 high-ranking officers of the Revolutionary Guards in Syria, in what appears to be a systematic campaign to limit the influence of Iranian emissaries in Syria."

He then accuses Russia and Syria of actively conspiring with Israel: "Why does Russia, which controls the Syrian airspace, not prevent airstrikes on Iranian targets? Why does the Syrian palace stand in silence in light of the assassinations on its soil?"

Since the beginning of the war in Gaza, Israel has been active in the region, with an emphasis on offensive strikes in Syria against the Revolutionary Guards and their auxiliaries. Now it seems that the offensive and heavy-handed policy that Israel has taken is bearing fruit, and bringing results at the very least in creating intense frustration in Iran in light of the Israeli success.

IDF Binyamin Netanyahu Russia Syria Iran


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