Antisemitism, United States

"Jews have too much power and control": 1 in 4 Hiring Managers Less Likely to Move Forward With Jewish Applicants

A survey conducted by in late December revealed a large number of hiring managers unwilling to hire Jews.

Belief in shadowy conspiracies about Jewish control of the world exist in the boardroom, too. (Photo: Joe Tabacca/Shutterstock)

1 in 4 hiring managers in the United States said that they were less likely to hire Jewish applicants, with 1 in 6 saying the order to minimize Jewish hires came down from management, according to a December survey by

Antisemitism has been on the rise throughout the west since October 7 and the war, including spikes in harassment, antisemitic messages in schools and university, and a general atmosphere of hostility.

Now a survey conducted by among over 1,000 hiring managers reveals a great deal of antisemitic prejudice against hiring Jews and indeed Jews in general in the professional workplace.

According to the survey, 1 in 4 hiring managers said they were less likely to hire Jewish applicants, with the main reasons being "Jews have too much power and control" (38%), "Jews claim to be the 'chosen' people" (38%), and "Jews have too much wealth" (35%).

17% of hiring managers have been told by management to keep the number of Jewish hires down, with the number increasing in the education (30%), entertainment (28%), and business sectors (28%).

The survey does contain one note of optimism: 9% of hiring managers say they have a worse view of Jews than ten years ago, 31% say they have a better view of Jews, while 60% say their views remain unchanged.

Antisemitism American Jewry Operation Swords of Iron


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