Israel-Gaza War, US Jewry, Terrorism

FBI: Spree of Swatting Incidents and False Bomb Threat Appears Coordinated, Possibly Foreign in Origin

The FBI sent out a confidential memo to law agencies that swatting incidents and bomb threats appear to be coordinated due similar language and email methods, and possibly emanate from outside the US.

(Photo: Kristi Blokhin/Shutterstock)

A wave of swatting attacks and false bomb threats against almost 200 Jewish institutions across the United States the previous weekend may have been coordinated and indeed emanated from outside the country, according to a confidential memo sent out by the FBI and reported on by ABC News.

ABC further reported that more than 30 of the FBI's field offices are investigating this wave of threats which have not resulted in actual physical efforts to harm institutions or congregants, though some led to Shabbat prayer cancellations and evacuations of buildings, according to USA Today.

The memo raised the possibility that the efforts were coordinated due to similar language and emailing methods.

Operation Swords of Iron Antisemitism FBI American Jewry


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