Antisemitism, United States, Israel-Gaza War

Antisemitism in the US: Cafe Workers Humiliate Jew

A Jew who complained of antisemitic graffiti in the bathroom was refused entry by cafe employees in the US. The employees also humiliated her and made antisemitic statements. Watch: 

A sense of fear and antisemitism in New York. (Photo: Wirestock Creators /

The X/Twitter account known as @StopAntisemitism posted a video taken by a Jewish woman in California, showing her in a café asking to go to the bathroom and being denied by employees.

The workers at the Oakland, California café discovered the woman was Jewish after she complained that the bathroom was filled with antisemitic graffiti.

While blocking her path, the workers demeaned her, saying “This isn’t 1948” and saying that while Israelis love taking private property that isn’t theirs, here they can’t.

After finally letting her enter the bathroom, the workers continued to harass her with calls like “Free Palestine.” When leaving the store, they started laughing.


American Jewry Antisemitism Operation Swords of Iron


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