Israel-Gaza War, US Academia

How Many Even Know the River in "From the river to the sea"?

A poll shows widespread ignorance among Palestine-supporting students regarding basic facts about the conflict and their openness to changing their minds.

Protesting for Palestine, not really knowing where it is. (Photo: Zack Wajsgas/Flash90)

A study done at the University of California revealed some of the ignorance of some of the pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli protestors on campus, according to a Ynet report.

Just 47% of students who support the call “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” could identify both the river and sea in question. Other answers included the Nile, the Euphrates, the Caribbean Sea, the Dead Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean. More than 10% thought that Yasser Arafat was the first Prime Minister of Israel. When asked which decade the Oslo Peace Accords between Israel and the Palestinians were signed, more than 25% of supporters of the call claimed no such agreements were ever reached.

60% of students reduced their support for the slogan when they learned it involves the oppression, expulsion, or elimination of seven million Jews and two million Israeli Arabs. Another 14% of students reconsidered their position when reading that many American Jews consider the chant threatening and even racist.

All in all, after learning basic facts about the Middle East, 67.8% of the students moved from supporting the mantra of “from the river to the sea” to rejecting it.

This data proves that the vast majority of “Palestine supporters” in the world are not actually aware of the true situation here, and that the moment they are faced with the facts, they are open to aligning with them.

Academia Operation Swords of Iron Hamas IDF Protests


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