Khamenei Tweets

Khamenei: "claiming that Iran says all Jews & Zionists should be thrown into the sea. No, we never said that"

Iran's leader Ali Khamenei boldly writes this morning on his social networks: "Some falsely claim that Iran says that all Jews and Zionists should be thrown into the sea. No, we never said that."

Iran's leader Ali Khamenei (Photo: Shutterstock)

It is already clear beyond any doubt that the one who is running this war in the upper pipes is Ali Khamenei, the leader of Iran. After being accused, and rightly, many times, of aiding and abetting Hamas terrorists and preparing them for the terrible massacre in the south - Khamenei wants to "clarify" his position.

This morning (Wednesday), he writes on his X (former Twitter) account: "Some are deceitfully claiming that Iran says all Jews & Zionists should be thrown into the sea. No, we never said that. We say a popular vote should be the determining factor. A government formed by the Palestinians’ votes will decide whether foreigners must leave or can remain."

The reactions on the net were not long to come, and the websurfers called him anti-Semitic and euphemistic because, from his words, one can understand his desire to destroy Israel.

Israel at war Simchat Torah Massacre Israel-Gaza war war in the south Gaza Ali Khamenei Iran Jews State of Israel Zionists


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