Argentina: New Liberal President

Argentina: A New President who Loves Jews and is Thinking of Converting

Three days after waving the Israeli flag in a demonstration, Javier Millay received the good news, after he promised to eliminate inflation and abolish the South American currency.

Javier Millay (Photo: Shutterstock)

When around the world there are demonstrations in favor of the terrorist organization Hamas, and on the other hand in favor of Israel, in Argentina, last night (Sunday) one of the demonstrators in favor of Israel received good news: he was elected president of the country. In the elections that are taking place in Argentina, after 90% of the ballots have been counted, in the second round of the elections in the South American country, the rightist Javier Millay won 56% of the votes that brought him the victory.

Three days ago Millay was recorded waving the Israeli flag high in a pro-Israeli demonstration, to the applause and singing of the surrounding crowd. Tonight's elections were, as mentioned, the second round after no candidate managed to reach 45% of the votes in the first round. His opponent Sergio Massa received 44.1% in the current round.

Javier Millay, who is known as the "Argentine Trump", promised as part of the election campaign to abolish the country's central bank, while declaring that he would: ""suppress the cancer of inflation". The rising inflation in the country was a central issue in the elections. He also promised to abolish the peso currency that is used in all of South America, close "non-essential" government offices, such as health, education and welfare.

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"Argentine Trump", managed to receive congratulations from the original Trump who wrote: "I am very proud of you. You will change your country and make Argentina great again!" And from Antony Blinken, the US Secretary of State, who wrote: "Congratulations on his election to the presidency, we look forward to continuing the bilateral cooperation based on shared values ​​and interests."

In the past, Millay, who showed great interest in Judaism, revealed in an interview with the Al-Fays network that he is considering converting and becoming a Jew. During the interview he said that he plans to do this after he finishes the presidency because he does not know how he will function as an observant president. "If I am president and there is Shabbat, what will I do? Do I cut myself off from the country from Friday until the end of Shabbat?" He stated in the past that if he is elected he would move the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

Millay has a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Belgrano and two master's degrees in economics from the Torcuato di Tella University. He worked as an economist in several private companies and as an economics lecturer at several universities in Argentina and abroad. He has a radio show called Demoliendo Mitos.

Argentina elections Javier Millay


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