In a heartwarming turn of events, an 11-year-old girl, previously the most critically injured victim of the Majdal Shams missile attack, has regained full consciousness. Rambam Hospital in Haifa announced Monday that the young survivor's condition has improved dramatically, surpassing medical expectations.
The child, who suffered severe head injuries from shrapnel, underwent hours of intricate surgery performed by Prof. Mony Benifla, head of pediatric neurosurgery. Her rapid recovery has left doctors astounded, with her status now upgraded from critical to moderate.
This ray of hope emerges against the backdrop of immense tragedy. Just two weeks ago, a Hezbollah rocket claimed the lives of 12 children and teenagers in Majdal Shams, leaving the community devastated.
Among the victims was 11-year-old Winess Adam Safadi, whose father, a senior MDA paramedic, shared his heart-wrenching experience of finding his daughter at the scene.
The football field where the attack occurred has since become a place of pilgrimage for grieving families, a testament to the enduring spirit of a community determined to honor its lost children and move forward.
* Ynet contributed to this article.