Israel-Gaza War

Netanyahu on report of IDF wanting ceasefire: "It won't happen"

A report today in the New York Times quoted senior IDF officials as saying Israel can no longer pursue both the war and the return of the hostages.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. (Photo: GPO)

Responding to a New York Times article quoting IDF senior officers in favor of a ceasefire without defeating Hamas, Prime Minister Netanyahu responded today (Tuesday) that "This will not happen":

"Anonymous parties are briefing the New York Times today. They say that Israel will be ready to end the war before achieving all its goals.

"I don't know who those anonymous parties are, but I am here to clarify unequivocally: This will not happen. We will end the war only after we achieve all its goals, including the elimination of Hamas and the release of all our hostages.

"The political leadership defined these goals for the IDF, and the IDF has all the means to achieve them. We do not surrender to the winds of defeat - not in the New York Times or anywhere else. We are imbued with the spirit of victory."

Binyamin Netanyahu IDF Hamas The New York Times


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