Palestinian Authority, 

PA clashes with Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Tulkarm

Following the wounding of a PIJ terrorist in Tulkarm by PA security forces, the PIJ's "Tulkarm Battalion" threatened that they would open fire on them next time they tried to raid PIJ homes and terrorists.

Palestinian security forces. Illustration. (Photo: Roman Yanushevsky/Shutterstock)

Palestinian Islamic Jihad put out an announcement last night (Sunday) threatening to fire upon PA security forces if they raid PIJ homes or terrorists.

This announcement comes after a Palestinian terrorist was reportedly seriously wounded in such a raid. In response, the Tulkarm Battalion of PIJ made its threat known.

The IDF continues to raid cities and metros in the West Bank for terrorist suspects as it fears Iran may be helping to fuel a serious buildup of weaponry for Hamas and PIJ, in a way that could directly threaten the core of the country.

Palestinian Authority Judea and Samaria Palestinian Islamic Jihad


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