Israel-Gaza War

Globes: Hamas using Chinese anti-tank missiles

A propaganda clip recently released by Hamas shows them using a Chinese guided anti-tank missile against IDF armored vehicles.

Chinese HJ-8L anti-tank rocket. (Photo: Wikipedia)

A propaganda clip released by Hamas showed the terrorist group using an advanced Chinese anti-tank missile launcher known as the HJ-8L or "Red Arrow" against IDF armored vehicles, according to a report by Globes.

This clip adds to the increasing evidence that China is among the countries providing arms to Hamas directly or indirectly, including anti-tank weapons, assault rifles, and automated RPGs. An Israeli intelligence officer said that "these are weapons and communications means of the highest level."

The report stated that though the weapons originated in China, it is likely that Iran was the country which trained the Hamas forces in their proper use and handling.

Iran Hamas Operation Swords of Iron IDF China


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