Israel-Lebanon war, Hezbollah 

IDF preparing for war with Hezbollah

As tensions continue to rise with Lebanon, the IDF has begun moving soldiers to the North to prepare for a potential combat situation to break out.

IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi. (Photo: IDF Spokesperson)

Moving towards a potential conflict with Hezbollah? IDF initiates troop movements to the north.

While Israel continues efforts to negotiate an agreement with Lebanon for the return of residents to the northern border, both political and military leadership are preparing for the alternative scenario of war. The Northern Command is receiving reinforcements from the southern front and conducting extensive training focused on extreme scenarios, mountainous terrain combat, and urban warfare. A senior IDF official told N12, "Israel will need a very strong initial offensive."

Approaching a critical juncture: Israel aims to achieve a political understanding with Hezbollah to facilitate the safe return of northern border residents after more than 8 months. However, amidst rising prospects of escalation, the decision has been made to deploy additional forces from Gaza to northern regions, as reported in today's main edition.

The IDF's move to bolster forces beyond those deployed since the onset of hostilities on October 7 is part of preparations for potential conflict with Hezbollah, should diplomatic efforts and international mediation fail to secure an agreement that limits Hezbollah's activities, prevents mutual exchange of fire, and allows residents to return.

This decision follows the transition to the third phase of operations in Gaza and near completion of actions against Hamas units in Rafah. The Northern Command has commenced receiving reinforcements from the south, initiating training for possible operations within Lebanese territory. Today, reservists underwent extensive training on the northern border, focusing on extreme scenarios, mountain warfare, urban combat, and the use of firepower.

Despite intensive military preparations, the timing for potential action has not been finalized. The decision to engage in Lebanon hinges on developments in Gaza's conflict, Lebanese fire rates, and prospects for a mediated agreement.

A senior military official speaking to N12 highlighted the potential for conflict with Lebanon, emphasizing, "Israel will need to make a forceful military move in Lebanon."

As part of preparations for potential large-scale conflict, Defence Minister Yoav Galant travelled to Washington for meetings with senior US officials, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, mediator Amos Hochstein, and other White House, State Department, and Congressional figures.

Minister Galant's discussions in Washington addressed the volatile security situation on the northern border and preparations for potential conflict. Galant also focused on resolving issues related to US arms supply to Israel, crucial for wartime needs.

IDF Operation Swords of Iron Israel at war Hezbollah Lebanon Northern border


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