Vaccination, Whooping Cough, Ultra-Orthodox

Tragic loss: Baby dies from whooping cough after mother rejects vaccine

The Health Ministry publishes children's vaccination info: ultra-Orthodox strongholds have the lowest vaccination rate.

Baby being vaccinated (Photo: Aleksandar Malivuk/ Shutterstock)

According to Ynet, the Health Ministry stated that a five-week-old baby died of whooping cough after his mother decided against receiving the vaccine while she was pregnant.

Following an appeal from an advocacy group, the Health Ministry has published vaccination statistics showing a disparity, with fewer vaccines administered in ultra-Orthodox regions of Israel. "The fact that in 2024, after six years, the information is finally becoming accessible to the public and local health authorities is a significant development," Racheli Edri-Hulata who was behind the appeal, wrote.

The Health Ministry's data on vaccination rates for routine childhood illnesses in municipalities with over 2,000 residents highlighted that the highest vaccination rates were in the Arab and Druze communities. In contrast, Jerusalem and predominantly Haredi areas reported low vaccination rates, contributing to a recent measles outbreak.

According to a Health Ministry report, "Since January 2023, Israel has seen an increase in measles cases, peaking in January 2024 with 272 new confirmed cases." The report noted a significant number of cases in the Jerusalem district, but the outbreak has also spread to other cities across Israel.

Ultra-Orthodox Ministry of Health


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