Israel-Gaza War

How many buildings were actually "destroyed" in Gaza?

An IDF investigation based on multiple drone angles suggests the number is significantly lower than many international organizations claim.

Much destruction, but with most buildings still standing. (Photo: Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

A thorough investigation of the state of Gaza's buildings before and after the war shows just 16% of structures were destroyed or rendered unusable, according to Ynet reporter Yoav Zitun.

According to the findings of an IDF Intelligence unit tasked with digitally mapping all structures in Gaza before and after the war, 16% of permanent structures and 36% of temporary structures were "destroyed" by the IDF, meaning rendered unusable by structural damage. Many other structures have been damaged in one way or another but are still standing and safe to rebuild.

The IDF explains that unlike international organizations, which rely on top down satellite imagery and concluded that the IDF destroyed 50-70% of buildings in the Gaza Strip, the recently released report relies on much more detailed and thorough drone footage which shows many more structures are safe and usable than previously thought.

The IDF has concentrated all its findings in a file which it intends to present to any foreign investigative bodies looking at the war in Gaza.

Operation Swords of Iron Hamas IDF


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