Israel-Gaza War

Report: Hamas and PIJ may be able to launch rockets from Judea and Samaria within a year

Senior security officials in the Palestinian Authority believe that at the current rate of arms smuggling, Hamas and PIJ forces will be able to launch Gaza-quality rockets within a year.

Hamas terrorists. (Photo: Ahmad Khateib /Flash90)

Senior security officials in the Palestinian Authority believe that at the current rate of arms smuggling, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad forces in Judea and Samaria will be able to launch Gaza-quality rockets within a year, according to Kann 11 reporter Elior Levy.

According to the report, money, weapons, and weapons manufacturing equipment is being smuggled by pro-Iranian forces in Lebanon into Judea and Samaria via Iraq. This smuggling is happening at such a rate that Hamas and PIJ forces may be able to fire rockets similar to those fired from Gaza at Israeli targets within a year.

The IDF's raids into Palestinian cities such as Tulkarm, Jenin, and the like is aimed at defeating this build up, among other efforts.

Operation Swords of Iron Hamas IDF Judea and Samaria Palestinian Islamic Jihad


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