Syria, Israeli strikes

Report: Israeli strike outside Damascus kills 2 Syrians

Syrian media reports of an attack on a compound used by Hezbollah and pro-Iranian militias.

Syrian media reported tonight (between Wednesday and Thursday) of two deaths in "Israeli attacks" in the area of ​​Sida Zeinab in the suburbs of Damascus. It was also reported that a Syrian soldier was wounded. According to the Syrian "Voice of the Capital", which is affiliated with the opposition, the complex that was attacked was used by the pro-Iranian militias - including Hezbollah - to store weapons and hold military meetings.

As reported by Ynet, Syrian media claims the attacks happened around 11:40 p.m. The Syrian Center for the Monitoring of Human Rights, an opposition organization to the Assad regime operating from London, reported that the complex that was attacked belongs to the Jhad al-Bana organization, which belongs to Hezbollah and the pro-Iranian militias. Vehicles at the site were destroyed, and some civilians were also injured by the missiles of the Syrian air defense.

Syria Attack in Syria


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