Gaza Humanitarian aid, Hamas attack 

Hamas fires mortar at UN aid convoy

Yesterday, Hamas fired mortars at Israeli soldiers protecting a United Nations humanitarian aid convoy in central Gaza Strip today, shown in military footage published later that day.

Humanitarian aid entering Gaza (Photo: ChameleonsEye/shutterstock)

The IDF has accused Hamas of a mortar attack on soldiers guarding UN aid convoy, sharing a video of the attack that took place yesterday.

The military stated that the IDF and COGAT had been working together to coordinate a UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) convoy, as part of an effort to reunite children from northern Gaza with their families in the south.

In a statement, it was reported that the Hamas terrorist group launched a projectile at the humanitarian path close to the UNICEF aid convoy and IDF troops protecting the region during the coordinated mission.

A video released by the IDF reveals a mortar landed just a few meters from Israeli soldiers and a UN vehicle. Despite the attack it was reported that the convoy continued on the intended route without any injuries from the attack.

The military states that even though the IDF is trying to boost humanitarian aid and assist Gazan residents, Hamas is still taking advantage of these efforts and putting the lives of Gazan civilians at risk.

In a post made to X by (COGAT) Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories, they stated; "During an aid operation aimed at reuniting children with their families, Hamas launched a projectile towards the aid convoy. International aid workers did not suffer any injuries. Even though we are trying to boost humanitarian assistance and initiatives for the people of Gaza, Hamas is still taking advantage of these endeavours and putting the lives of Gaza civilians at risk."

Hamas IDF UN Humanitarian aid Gaza Gaza Strip


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