Israel-Gaza War, IDF

Watch: IDF drone locates booby trapped shaft in Rafah

IDF uncovers more of Hamas's hidden weapons and booby traps in Rafah.

Sign pointing to Rafah Crossing near the border with Gaza in Southern Israel during Israel's Operation Protective Edge. (Photo by Moshe Shai/Flash90)

The Nahal Brigade's combat team, operating under the 162nd Division in Rafah, continues to uncover a startling array of weapons in Hamas terrorists' booby-trapped hideouts.

In their relentless sweep, soldiers have unearthed a cache including Kalashnikov rifles, explosives, grenades, ammunition magazines, and tactical vests. They even found a refrigerator rigged with explosives.

The operation's effectiveness was further enhanced by drone teams, who, under the soldiers' direction, identified booby-trapped shafts hidden within residential homes - a tactic clearly intended to inflict harm on Israeli forces. Working in tandem with the brigade's fire coordination unit, the team successfully destroyed numerous terrorist infrastructures that posed imminent threats to troops in the area.

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Israel-Gaza war IDF Rafah Drones


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