Islamic Jihad, Qalqilya, Terrorist Attack Foiled

Two Islamic Jihad terrorists eliminated in Qalqilya

IDF, Shin Bet and Police foil an attack in broad daylight; 2 wanted terrorists killed.

Israeli forces operating in Qalqilya (Photo: IDF Spokesperson)

According to Ynet, the IDF spokesman related that in a joint operation by the IDF Shin Bet and the Gideon unit of the Israel Police, two terrorists from the Islamic Jihad were eliminated in Qalqilya.

The Palestinians published photos and videos showing the elimination, near the city's central market. One of the terrorists planned to carry out an attack in the area. During the arrest, shots were fired at Israeli forces, who returned fire and eliminated the terrorists. Guns were seized on the person of the two terrorists.

The Palestinians claimed that the two killed in the incident belonged to the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, and that their names were Ihab Abu-Hamad and Ahmed al-Salami.

IDF Islamic Jihad terrorists


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