Northern Front, Safed

Fake news: There is no planned evacuation of Safed residents

Following various rumors circulating online, Safed Municipality clarifies that there is no planned evacuation of the city's residents.

Rocket intercepted over Safed (Photo: David Cohen/ Flash90)

In response to internet rumors about a planned evacuation of Safed, the city's municipality and the Home Front Command stress that no such plan exists.

"This is another great opportunity to learn how important it is to get one's news, especially in times of emergency, from official sources only," stated the municipality's announcement.

"To verify if a message is fake news, simply search for it on official platforms, such as the municipal Facebook page, the Home Front Command website, or any other official media. Keep consuming information responsibly, and remember, it's sometimes okay to take a break from the news for your own and for your children's sake."

Israel-Gaza war Northern border Safed


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