Israel-Gaza War, Hostages

Voices of Protest: Tel Aviv's Night of Demonstrations for Hostage Release and Political Change

Police arrest twelve in Tel Aviv during protests over hostage deal and government policies.

Demonstrators protest calling for the release of the hostages and against the government, Tel Aviv, June 15, 2024. (Photo by Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)

Against the backdrop of stalled negotiations on a hostage-ceasefire deal with Hamas, last night (Saturday) tens of thousands participated in the Tel Aviv demonstration. This comes hours after eight IDF soldiers were killed in southern Gaza’s Rafah and amid government efforts to pass a bill maintaining the broad exemption of Haredi men from military service.

As reported by Times of Israel, protesters on Kaplan Street burned tents to highlight government inaction against Hezbollah’s relentless attacks on northern Israel. Skirmishes with police ensued shortly after the fires were set, and further clashes occurred as demonstrators attempted to block the main Ayalon Highway.

Police arrested 12 demonstrators for public order violations, including roadblocks and exceeding permitted demonstration times. Haaretz photographer Itay Ron was among those arrested, however he was released an hour later after passersby informed officers of his journalist status. The arrests drew the presence of Labor MKs Gilad Kariv and Na’ama Lazimi, who were heckled by right-wing demonstrators.

National Unity MK Benny Gantz attended a demonstration at Sha’ar Hanegev near Gaza, his first since withdrawing his party from the government, calling for the hostages' return. Opposition Leader Yair Lapid addressed protesters on Kaplan Street, criticizing a recent Knesset decision to revive a bill lowering the exemption age for yeshiva students from 26 to 21. Lapid condemned the bill, arguing it discriminates and deepens national divides.

At Hostages Square, just a few blocks from the Kaplan protest, the Hostages and Missing Families Forum also took a critical stance toward the Israel-Hamas war. A spokesperson told the crowd that a total victory over Hamas was unattainable, likening the conflict to the U.S. experience in Vietnam and the German fight against partisans.

In a recorded message, recently rescued hostage Andrey Kozlov shared how images from weekly rallies for their return gave hope to him and fellow captives during their captivity. Kozlov called on the government to strike a deal with Hamas, which demands a permanent ceasefire and other conditions for the return of the remaining 120 hostages, many of whom are feared dead.

The demonstrations reflect growing public frustration with the ongoing conflict and government policies, as well as a strong demand for the safe return of hostages held by Hamas.

Israel-Gaza war Protests Hostages


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