Israel-Gaza War, Politics

Channel 14 poll: 16% of Gantz voters reconsidering voting for Gantz due to breakup of unity government

Meanwhile, 42% intend to keep voting for him, 35% never voted for him in the first place, and 8% are undecided.

Being penalized for leaving the government? Benny Gantz. (Photo: Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90)

Two days after he announced his party's departure from the government, a new Direct Plus poll for Channel 14 released today (Monday) suggests this step may have backfired with the public.

Among Gantz's own prospective voters, 42% intend to keep voting for him, 35% never voted for him in the first place, and 8% are undecided. Fully 16% said that they would reconsider voting for him after he broke up the unity government.

Meanwhile, 61% think Gantz's departure was motivated by politics, as opposed to 38% who think it was based on security and non-partisan considerations.

Benny Gantz Politics Polls National Emergency Government


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