IDF, Conscription Law

Knesset to Vote on Conscription Law Amid Political Tensions

Gantz is expected not to support the bill, and it is likely that other Likud Knesset members and The United Arab List will also oppose the vote.

Being penalized for leaving the government? Benny Gantz. (Photo: Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90)

As reported by Kann, the Knesset is poised for a critical vote tonight, as discussions on initiating continuous deliberations over the conscription law loom after midnight. Defense Minister Yoav Galant has declared his intention not to support the conscription bill proposal, citing dissatisfaction with its details.

Gallant's stance underscores the intense political climate surrounding this issue.

Meanwhile, the United Arab List has also signaled its opposition to the bill, citing concerns about the potential consequences. According to a party statement, their vote against the bill is particularly significant, as it may lead to the downfall of what they describe as a destructive and extremist government.

Knesset member Tali Gottlieb had initially considered withholding her support for the bill. However, in a tweet posted on X this morning (Monday), she shared a video of immigrant workers stationed at her doorstep, expressing their desire for her to vote in favor. Gottlieb emphasized her resolve not to be intimidated.

Additionally, other Knesset members have hinted at abstaining from tonight's vote and future ones, further complicating the political landscape.

As tensions escalate within the Knesset, the outcome of tonight's vote remains uncertain, with significant implications for Israel's political future.

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