Israel-Gaza War, Northern Front

How many projectiles does Hezbollah have? 

The answer may help understand how tough a general war in Lebanon might be.

Intercepted rocket. Illustration. (Photo: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

According to N12 News as summarized by X account Israel Radar, Israel believes Hezbollah to be in possession of 150,000 mortar shells, 65,000 rockets with range of up to 80 km, 5,000 rockets with range of 80 to 200 km, 5,000 rockets with range of over 200 km, hundreds of advanced missiles, and 2,500 drones.

While this understandably sounds formidable, the Israel Radar account argues the IDF can neutralize a significant amount of this arsenal, as Hezbollah has a limited number of launchers for these projectiles, air defenses will intercept others, and a substantial amount will fall harmlessly in open areas.

Operation Swords of Iron Hezbollah IDF Rockets


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