IDF, Charedim

Does the IDF even want Charedim? Knesset report shows very high rejection rate of candidates

A Knesset report shows that of 4,000 Charedim who volunteered to enlist between October 7 and February 2024, just 540 were drafted.

Charedi young men at the Tel Hashomer recruitment office. (Photo: Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90)

As the Supreme Court and the Knesset debate when and how to draft more Charedim into the IDF, a Knesset Research and Information Report suggests the IDF may not be too keen on the idea in general.

Per the report, published in April following a request by Likud MK Eli Dellal, some 4,000 Charedim volunteered to enlist in the IDF between October 7th and February 2024.

Of these, 3,120 were found unfit for a variety of reasons, usually medical ones. Of the 880 who were found to be fit, just 540 were drafted.

This is an unusually high number considering the IDF's own claims that it is in desperate need of manpower due the attrition caused by the war, and it raises the question of whether or not the IDF is truly interested in drafting the tens of thousands of Charedim who are currently exempt from service.

IDF Draft Charedim October 7th Operation Swords of Iron


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