Israel-Gaza War

The IDF to publish its war investigations next month

The IDF announced that the internal operational investigations of the events of October 7 will presented starting the beginning of July.

IDF forces in the Gaza Strip. (Photo: IDF Spokesperson)

The IDF announced today (Wednesday) that the beginning of the presentation phase of the internal operational investigations of the events before and during October 7 will begin to be published next month.

According to the plan, in the first week of July, the Chief of Staff will be presented with the investigation's first point of focus - the development of the mindset regarding Gaza with an emphasis on the border starting in 2018.

This focus will include an investigation of the development of intelligence about Hamas, an examination of the elements of the defensive concept and the range of operational plans to deal with the threat that the Gaza Strip posed.

Operation Swords of Iron Herzi Halevi October 7th


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