Israel-Gaza War

How many missiles does Hamas have left?

Following the recent salvo towards the center of the country, the IDF assesses that Hamas still has thousands of short term rockets and dozens to hundreds of long term projectiles.

Rockets fired from Gaza towards Israel. (Photo: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

Some eight months after the Swords of Iron war began, the murderous terror organization Hamas still possesses significant rocket capabilities, as seen in the salvo today (Sunday) against the center, alongside unending fire on the cities of the south and the settlements on the Gaza Perimeter.

Despite the massive efforts of the IDF in the Strip and the destruction of all means of producing rockets, terror groups in the Strip still possess a substantial arsenal.

According to Mako military correspondent Shai Levy, the IDF believes that Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad still have thousands of rockets, most of which are meant for short range fire. The army also believes that they still have between dozens and hundreds of long range projectiles, primarily in areas where the IDF has not yet operated.

The army also clarified that the deeper the army's incursion, the greater the rocket fire on Israel before the IDF gets to the launchers first.

Operation Swords of Iron Hamas IDF Rockets


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