Israel-Gaza War, Northern Front

Army Radio: Hezbollah drone hits Golani junction, causing damage but no casualties

In addition, Hezbollah fired around 60 missiles at Mount Meron earlier today.

Drone. Illustration. (Photo: Abed Rahim Khatib / Flash 90)

Army Radio reported less than an hour ago (Wednesday) that a Hezbollah drone struck Golani junction in the Galilee, causing damage but no casualties.

Earlier today, Hezbollah fired dozens of rockets a few hours ago (Wednesday) towards the Galilee Panhandle and Mount Meron. Residents documented hits in Meron, and the salvo appears to be in retaliation for the elimination of Hezbollah's southern front commander.

Hezbollah also claims that it fired a Burkan heavy explosive rocket at the headquarters of the 91st Division at Biranit Base, north of Mount Meron.

Lebanese sources report that the salvo included anti-tank missiles, likely of Iranian design.

Neither local authorities nor Magen David Adom report casualties.

The IDF struck back, attacking Hezbollah launch positions used to hit Mount Meron.

In addition, the IDF struck a military structure affiliated with Radwan Force in Jebel Razlan, and another structure in the Blida area.

IDF striking Hezbollah positions. (Source: IDF Spokesperson)
Drones Hezbollah IDF Operation Swords of Iron


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