Terrorist Attack

Terrorist eliminated after trying to stab soldiers near Hebron

Soldiers acted quickly to neutralize the female terrorist. The IDF remains on high alert in all sectors.

IDF soldiers near Hebron (Photo: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

According to initial reports, a terror attack was foiled at the bypass intersection near Hebron earlier today when an Arab woman tried to stab a soldier from the 92nd Battalion.

"A short time ago, an attempted stabbing attack against IDF soldiers from the Shimshon Battalion who were operating in a military position in the Bypass Junction was foiled," stated an IDF spokesperson.

"The soldiers moved in on the terrorist, who held a knife and charged toward the force, eliminating her. No soldiers were injured in the incident," he continued.

"The IDF is on high alert in all sectors due to the repeated terror attempts. On Passover eve, a drive-by shooting was carried out in Jerusalem in which two Israeli citizens were slightly injured. The terrorists got out of their vehicle and tried to shoot passers-by but encountered a problem with their weapons. They fled the scene but were apprehended in a nearby store where they had barricaded themselves," concluded the report.

terrorist attack stabbing attack


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