
Report: Jordan closed to all flights, Ben Gurion preparing for changed schedules

Reports of GPS jamming and disruption are emerging not only from Jordan, but also the broader Middle East, presumably to disrupt Iranian missile attacks.

Missiles. Illustration. (Photo: Shutterstock)

As an Iranian large-scale missile attack is considered imminent, reports are coming in of GPS jamming on a large scale, leading Jordan to shut down all flights coming in and out of the country and with disruptions reported throughout the broader Middle East.

The US and Israel consider the Iranian threat to be very serious and even imminent. The security cabinet is expected to convene in the "pit" in the Kiryah in Tel Aviv for safety reasons, and American officials are repeatedly reaffirming their commitment to protect Israel from Iranian aggression.

Earlier today, Defense Minister Gallant issued a statement reiterating Israel's readiness to deal with any threat, and that it had acquired new capabilities on land, sea, air, and intelligence to counter such threats.

Iran Jordan Binyamin Netanyahu IDF


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