Israel-Gaza War, Humanitarian Aid

Without UNRWA? IDF meets with humanitarian organizations to help coordinate aid to Gaza

The meeting marks part of Israel's efforts to better coordinate with humanitarian organizations to avoid incidents such as the one in which the IDF mistakenly struck a World Central Kitchen convoy.

Meeting between IDF and humanitarian organizations, sans UNRWA. (Photo: IDF Spokesperson)

The IDF's Southern Command Commander and COGAT chief met yesterday (Wednesday) with a range of humanitarian organizations, including "representatives of UN agencies, the Red Cross, USAID, the IMC, and the American humanitarian coordinator."

The effort at better coordination between aid operations and IDF operations comes after the deaths of seven foreign aid workers for the World Central Kitchen in what the IDF claims was a case of mistaken identity.

The absence of UNRWA from the IDF's list of agencies meeting with them for coordination, though possibly included in the general umbrella of "UN agencies," may mark another step in Israel's efforts to end UNRWA's role as provider of aid and services to Gazan civilians, ever since ties between the agency and terrorist organizations, including a few who participated in October 7, were revealed.

UNRWA World Central Kitchen IDF Hamas Operation Swords of Iron


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