Israel At War, Casualty Figures 

IDF: 35 Seriously Injured Individuals Hospitalized

IDF releases casualty figures: 378 soldiers hospitalized since the beginning of the war.

Evacuating wounded soldiers from the battlefield is just the first step. (Photo: Noam Revkin Fenton/Flash90)

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) released this morning (Wednesday) the casualty figures, including both fatalities and injuries, since the beginning of the conflict. The names of fallen IDF soldiers whose families have agreed to public disclosure have been included. Since the start of the war on October 7, 560 IDF soldiers have fallen. Since the ground operation began on October 27, 223 IDF soldiers have fallen. May their memories be blessed.

The current situation of hospitalized soldiers today is as follows: in serious condition - 35, in moderate condition - 240, in mild condition - 103, totaling 378 soldiers hospitalized in various medical facilities.

Soldiers injured since the start of the war: in serious condition - 424, in moderate condition - 726, in mild condition - 1,647, totaling 2,797 soldiers injured since the outbreak of the war.

Soldiers injured since the start of the ground operation in the Gaza Strip: in serious condition - 260, in moderate condition - 429, in mild condition - 594, totaling 1,283 IDF soldiers injured during the course of the battles in Gaza.

Operation Swords of Iron October 7th October 7th massacre Simchat Torah Massacre Israel-Gaza war Israel at war Casualties Casualty Figures injured Israel's fallen soldiers IDF fighters IDF Israel hospitalized


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