Israel At War, Aviv Kohavi 

Former IDF Chief Aviv Kohavi's First Address: "They will have to investigate my tenure as well."

Former Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi spoke today for the first time since the outbreak of the war and said, "I am responsible for the actions taken in the IDF during my tenure. I ask myself what else could we have done differently?"

Former Chief of the General Staff Aviv Kochavi (Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

Former Chief of the General Staff Aviv Kochavi participated today in a memorial event for The Lamed Heh (The Convoy of 35), speaking for the first time since the attack by Hamas on October 7.

Kochavi, who stepped down from the position of Chief of the General Staff a year ago, did not shirk responsibility, stating, "These are difficult days accompanied by the righteousness of the path and the yearning of unity. On October 7, the wall was completely breached – this event will need to be examined from all angles. They will have to investigate the IDF – including my tenure. I am responsible for the actions taken in the IDF during my tenure." He added, "I constantly ask myself what could we have done differently?"

The Convoy of 35 The Lamed Heh Aviv Kochavi Chief of the General Staff IDF October 7th Simchat Torah Massacre War in the South Hamas Captives


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