Israel-Gaza War

IDF Spokesperson Announces End to Daily Briefings, Will Now Brief Every Other Day

Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari announced that after 97 days of war, the daily briefings are ending: "We will continue to keep you up to date with all the ongoing information, even if I don't do it daily."

Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari. (Photo: Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90)

IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari gave a statement last evening (Thursday), stating that the daily statements he has given since the beginning of the war will end: “From the outbreak of the war, the value that has guided us in the IDF is complete transparency to the public of confirmed, relevant, realtime, and accessible information on all media channels and social networks.”

According to him, “We will continue to update you with all the information and on a continuous basis, even if I don’t do it from now on in a daily statement, I will continue to present here once every two or three days, to update and answer every question.” It should be noted that since the outbreak of the war, the IDF Spokesperson gave statements on a daily basis, at first twice a day (morning and evening) and then once a day.

Hagari also addressed the lawsuit against Israel in the Hague, “in these days it’s important to remind that we are fighting an incomparably justified war. A war the enemy started from choice and consciously while committing crimes against humanity not seen in the western world for decades.”

He also added that “most of them are filmed and documented by the terrorists themselves, yet still many in the world try to ignore them as though they did not happen. No, they did happen, and we remember and will not forget and we also cannot let the world forget. 136 male and female hostages are still behind held without medical treatment and in difficult conditions.”

Operation Swords of Iron IDF Hamas IDF Spokesperson


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