Terrorists, Disqualification of Citizenship

Will Hundreds of Arabs be Deported? Disqualification of Citizenship of Terrorist Operatives Steps Up

About a year after the passage of the law regarding the disqualification of the citizenship of Israeli Arab terrorist activists, the Anti-Terrorism Authority submitted the report in which the names of the candidates for deportation to the Palestinian Authority are indicated. The move is subject to the approval of the Minister of the Interior.

Illustration (Photo: Nasser Itayeh/Flash 90)

After the law denying residency or citizenship to terrorist operatives with Israeli citizenship who receive Palestinian money was passed in February of last year, it was reported this morning (Thursday) by Shahar Glick on Galei Tzahal that the Anti-Terrorism Authority submitted a report in which hundreds of terrorist operatives are candidates for deportation to beyond the Green Line.

18 candidates were marked for deportation

It was also reported that there are additional stages because the Ministry of the Interior has not yet received the report, the minister's team is supposed to go over it and confirm names with the Ministry of Justice. After the names are approved and Arbel's signature, the terrorist operatives will have a week to file an appeal to the court. Due to the legal complexity, it will take time for this to be applied to the hundreds of deportees, but 18 of them have already been marked and the Ministry of the Interior should receive the report in order to continue the process.

MK Amit Halevi, one of the initiators of the law, told Galei Tzahal that "it is unthinkable that a person in the State of Israel on the one hand would hold residency or citizenship of the state and at the same time subvert it and be a participant in terrorist acts."

He also added that "this thing must stop and I am happy that the information that was needed to implement the law has arrived and the Minister of the Interior will be able beginning tomorrow morning to deprive hundreds of terrorists who have been released from prison of their Israeli citizenship and residency and deport them from the territories of the State of Israel."

Deportation of terrorists Palestinian Authority detention terrorists Israeli Arabs


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