Israel At War

Worrying Data: Is the Arab-Israeli Sector Opposed to the Massacre Committed by Hamas?

A study conducted among Israeli Arabs about the massacre committed by Hamas, and their feelings about the war, reveals alarming data. Only 56% of Arabs believe that the Hamas attack does not reflect Arab society and Islamic values.

Israeli Arabs riot in broad daylight (Photo: Roni Ofer)

A research report on the attitudes of Arab society, the Israel Democracy Institute, published today (Monday) data covering the attitudes of the Arab-Israeli sector following the Hamas attack and the values of Islam.

Worrying data: more than half, that is (56%) of the Arabs, agree with the words of Mansur Abbas that the Hamas attack does not reflect the Arab society and the values of Islam, leaving 44% who do not think so.

On the issue of Jewish-Arab relations and the state space, a large majority (78%) testify that there has been no change in their relationships with Jewish acquaintances and friends. Meanwhile, only about half (51%) reported that they feel comfortable speaking Arabic in the presence of foreigners or Jews, the lowest figure since 2017.

A large majority (71%) do not feel comfortable expressing themselves freely on social networks, and over half (54%) reported discomfort in arriving to work in Jewish communities or mixed cities.

On the issue of fear of security, the vast majority of Arab women are terrified of their physical (92%) and financial (95%) security.

Operation Swords of Iron Israel at war Israel-Gaza war The violence in the Arab sector October 7th Simchat Torah Massacre Israeli Arabs Hamas Survey


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