The Warnings About The Massacre

"Completely Imaginary": This is How the Command Responded to the Warning About the Massacre

The dimensions of the omission that preceded the massacre continue to be revealed. It is now known that Sergeant Major V., who warned about it, even stated about a month before the massacre that precisely now, in the marking of the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, one must be doubly careful.

Simchat Torah Massacre (Photo: Chaim Goldberg, Flash90.)

"A small footnote on a personal note. This year we need to be more sensitive to imaginary scenarios. 50 years ago we experienced a similar experience on the southern front, under almost the same conditions. History always repeats itself, if we don't learn from it."

With these exact words, the NCO who warned of the massacre scenarios ended her letter, which she wrote in the week when we marked the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, about a month before the massacre. This is what Doron Kadosh published this morning in the Army Radio.

The email correspondence in the Military Intelligence Directorate in the months before the war included hot warnings, about Hamas training in their desire to occupy kibbutzim and outposts in Israel.

Sergeant Major V described the exercises in question widely, and the other officials responded, each in his own time, for 4-5 days. There was no sense of urgency, and no further consultation beyond the correspondence itself was convened following the emails.

This can also be learned from the wording of the email of the senior intelligence officer in the Southern Command who replied as follows: "The exercise looks crazy. One note is important to all of us - it is probably gold, but the scenario of the exercise described according to what V wrote seems completely imaginary. And you have to see what we filter. What is intended for the purpose of the display of the purpose and what is realistic."

A commander in the 8200 who agreed with V's opinion explained his words as follows: "I don't know in the regional history exercises that are 'For Display'. Certainly, the scope is very wide, which indicates real intentions."

V's most important email detailed why it should not be said that the scenario is imaginary. It was also based on verses from the Quran. She wrote as follows: "This is not a one-off event, but an operative plan with strategic implications. This plan is without a date - but there is a preparation here for activation when the time comes, the purpose of which is to start a war.".

the massacre in the south Unit 8200 Operation Swords of Iron Simchat Torah Massacre Alerts Israel at war war in the south


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