Former base commander convicted of multiple sex crimes

Lt.-Col. Dan Sharoni was convicted in military court of secretly filming multiple female soldiers in various states of undress, even keeping them in a "blue file" for his use.

IDF military court. (Photo: IDF Spokesperson)

IDF District Court near Beit Lid convicted Lt.-Col. Dan Sharoni, former commander of Bahad 6, the logistics training base, of multiple counts of sexual crimes today (Wednesday).

Sharoni was convicted of secretly filming multiple female soldiers in various states of undress, even keeping the footage in a "blue file."

According to Ynet, Sharoni changed his version of events and was found by the court to be "tendentious."

He was ultimately convicted on 67 counts - including 23 counts of lewd acts and 39 counts of harm to privacy.

The sentence will be announced in the future.

IDF Sexual Crimes


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